• Gold - OOH
  • Gold - Sport & Entertainment
  • Silver - Promo and activation
  • Silver - Radio & Audio
  • Silver - Sport & Entertainment
  • Silver - OOH
  • Silver - Print & publishing
  • Silver - Print & Publishing
  • Bronze - OOH
  • Bronze - Media
  • Bronze - Media
  • Bronze - Radio & Audio
  • Bronze - TV
  • Bronze - Health

  • D&AD
  • Yellow Pencil - Direct
  • Yellow Pencil - Media
  • Yellow Pencil - Casting
  • Graphite Pencil - Experiential
  • Graphite Pencil - Direct
  • Wood Pencil - Radio & Audio
  • Wood Pencil - Design
  • Wood Pencil - Media
  • Wood Pencil - Impact
  • Wood Pencil - Casting
  • Wood Pencil - Direct
  • Wood Pencil - PR

  • Gold - Custom Content
  • Gold - Craft Casting
  • Silver - Experiential Event
  • Silver - Experiential Music & Sound
  • Silver - Experiential Radio & Audio
  • Silver - Innovation & Transformation
  • Bronze - Innovation & Transformation
  • Bronze - Events
  • Bronze - Audio
  • Bronze - Innovation

  • Gold - Audio Craft
  • Gold - Branded Entertainment & Content
  • Gold - Branded Entertainment & Content
  • Gold - Activation
  • Gold - Media
  • Gold - Public Relations
  • Gold - Public Rlations
  • Silver - Branded Entertainment & Content
  • Silver - Direct
  • Silver - Activation
  • Silver - Print & Publishing
  • Silver - Print & Publishing
  • Bronze - Design
  • Bronze - Activation
  • Bronze - OOH

  • Gold - Branded Content
  • Gold - Experiential
  • Gold - Social Good
  • Gold - Branded Content
  • Bronze - Innovation

  • LIA
  • Silver - Sports & Entertainment
  • Silver - Non traditional
  • Silver - Pharma & Medical
  • Silver - Radio & Audio
  • Bronze - Radio & Audio
  • Bronze - Evolution
  • Bronze - Health & Wellness

  • Grand Prix - Radio & Audio
  • Grand Prix - Media
  • Gold - Radio & Audio
  • Gold - Media
  • Gold - Sports
  • Gold - Sports
  • Gold - Branded content
  • Gold - Print & Publishing
  • Silver - OOH
  • Silver - Media
  • Silver - Media
  • Silver - Direct
  • Silver - Brand Experience & Activation
  • Silver - Sustainable
  • Silver - Sports
  • Silver - PR
  • Silver - OOH
  • Silver - Direct
  • Silver - TV
  • Silver - Health
  • Silver - TV
  • Silver - Print & Publishing
  • Bronze - Brand Experience & Activation
  • Bronze - Sustainable
  • Bronze - Sports
  • Bronze - Brand Experience & Activation

  • EL SOL
  • GP - Radio & Audio
  • Gold - Branded Content
  • Gold - Innovation
  • Gold - Media
  • Gold - Media
  • Gold - Media
  • Gold - Innovation
  • Gold - Innovation
  • Silver - Branded Content
  • Silver - OOH
  • Silver - Innovation
  • Silver - Innovation
  • Bronze - PR
  • Bronze - Innovation
  • Bronze - OOH

  • Gold - Native Sportscasters / Corona
  • Gold - Ther Art of Self Examination / Macma
  • Gold - A Day without Whopper / Burger King
  • Gold - A day without Whopper / Burger King
  • Gold - Wake up Zombie! / Rockstar Energy Drink
  • Silver - There Art of self examination / Macma
  • Silver - Stacker Atomic / Burger King
  • Bronze - The Art of Self Examination / Macma
  • Bronze - There Art of Self Examination / Macma
  • Bronze - Home of the Billboards / Burger King